ref # 138

R 1 700 000 (85 858 EUR*)

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± 21 ha

This 21.5620Ha farm is located, north of the Soutpansberg, +/- 23km west of Bokmakierie on the N1 between Louis Trichardt and Musina in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The farm is located among a number of other successful irrigation farming operation, small scale livestock and numerous lifestyle settlements.

The property is owned by a South African individual who is not VAT registered

Infrastructure and development include a Residential unit with supporting outbuildings, Workers quarters, Eskom electricity, 6000lph water supply system, a Tilapia Fish farming and processing plant, a 2.6Ha Cash crop production unit, and facilities to house a small-scale livestock farming operation.

The area is well known for a warm arid climate, a condition favourable to recreate subtropical environment favourable for both Tilapia farming and cash crop production.

Tilapias are native to Africa and an ideal species to farm with in areas that offer warmer water during winter. Tilapias are sensitive to low temperature and feeding usually stops at temperatures less than 16°C. Optimum growth usually is achieved at 28°C to 32°C over a period of 180 days. The traditional moderate winter temperature and hot summers in the area create ideal conditions for Tilapia to flourish.

Tilapia production may be separated into two phases; production of fingerlings and grow-out of fingerlings to marketable size. The developed fish farm operation caters for both aforementioned phases.

A hatchery and recirculating aquaculture system was developed on the property to enable a fish farm operation that enable both, the production of fingerlings and the raising of Tilapia to marketable size at economically competitive margins. Marketable size range between 400g – 550g. The ideal stock ratio equates to 60 fish per 1m³ of water. Once the fish reach the desired harvest size the catch is set-off via the informal market. And local retail outlets. A well layout processing plant enables easy administration and handling of product.

Current infrastructure allows for 5 harvest cycles per year via the 5 Grow-out dams. The water storage capacity per dam is 100 000 litres, therefore enabling an ideal harvest of 6000 fish per cycle, in other words, 3000 kg (3 ton) of fish per cycle.

Typical type of crop produces in the area include, various Pumpkin varieties, Butternut, Baby Marrow, Patty pans, Green beans, Sweet Melon, Chili’s, Peppers, Okra and tomatoes. Favourable climate and growing conditions allow for early season, mid-season, and late season harvests. The benefit of an early season and/or late season harvest is associated with above average mid-season market prices.

The farming operation is well organised and equipped. Sufficient water supply and a large 50 000 l large water reservoir, allow for continuity in crop production processes.

A processing plant in excess of 246m² with gender separated ablution facilities, supported by on-site workers accommodation allow for a functional productive unit.

The remaining 15Ha land boasts a variety of Bushveld savannah ranging from large trees, shrub and grass species, an ideal haven for small-scale successful goat farming. Handling facilities include a reasonable size holding pen and lambing pens.

Tree species found in the area include, Red Bushwillow, Corkwood, Purple-pod cluster leaf, Marula, Shepperd, Acacia and Baobab. Grass species typical to the area include, Finger grass, Sand Quick, Carrot-seed, Mexican feather, Pappus, Pangola, Natal, Ngongoni, Kalahari, Signal, Cane, Guinea, and Buffalo grass.

Worker’s accommodation include 8x rooms. The Worker accommodation facility is separated from the main residential area.

The main residence include a 150m² A-frame double story dwelling with 2b bedrooms, 1x bathroom, Living room, Kitchen and Pantry. An adjacent 2x vehicle lock-up garage with additional under-roof workshop allow for sufficient storage and work area. A number of large perennial trees, lawn and garden surrounds the main residence.

The perimeter of the property is completely fenced.

Property specifications:

 Asking price - R 2 200 000-00 (Excluding VAT)
 Total area – 21.5620 Hectares (1x Registered Title deed)

 Ownership – Private
 VAT status – Not VAT registered

 Access via a servitude road of the D777 Mopane/Nieuwelust road.
 Access gates and well-maintained control routes(roads)
 21.5620 Ha completely fenced.


 1x Eskom transformer (25kVa)

 I2x Borehole (Functional & Equipped) – Tested capacity: 6 000 litres per hour
 Fresh water storage and supply via elevated Plastic tank.
 1x 50 000l Steel reservoir


Main residence (150m²) – Airconditioned
 2x Bedroom
 1x Bathrooms
 1x Kitchen
 1x Pantry
 1x Living room
 Veranda (Front)

Recreational & Support structures
 Lawn, garden, and large trees
 Underroof parking – 2x vehicles
 Lock-up storage


Farm Support
 1x Fish Hatchery & Rearing plant
o 4x Brood stock spawning dams
o 12x Hatchery/Nursing dams
o 5x Grow-out dams (8m x 2.2m - Holding capacity 109 000 l each)
 In construction: Additional 5x Grow-out dams (8m x 2.2m - Holding capacity 109 000 l each)
o Sump tank (8m x 2.2m) – Bio Filter process
 Oxygenation pond (8m x 21m - 145m²)
o 2x Large resevoirs
o 246m² Brick & Mortar - Processing plant & Office building
o Pump station
 16m² Lock up Chemical store
 Large parking area – Implements, machinery & equipment
 Livestock holding pen
 2.6Ha Arable land

Staff Accommodation
 8x Workers rooms
 Enclosed yard
 Eskom Power supply
 Communal Ablution facility

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